
Abstract Submission Opening: December 2023

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 5 March 2024, 23:59 CET

Notifications to Submitters: Early May 2024

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted and submissions have now closed.

This list is correct as of 7 August 2024. The final abstracts will be available through the online programme towards the end of August.

Technical Requirements

  • The internet abstract submission system works best with Chrome: 16 or higher, Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher and Mozilla Firefox 5.0 or higher. 
  • Cookies and JavaScript need to be enabled. 

Terms and Conditions

  • Abstracts fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “Final submission” status. Only abstracts in “Final submission” status will be regarded as successfully submitted and considered for the review. The submitted / draft abstracts cannot be edited after the extended submission deadline (5 March 2024, 23:59 CET).
  • Abstracts will be considered from vision scientists only if they work in an academic setting and have an ophthalmologist as a co-author. Abstracts from company staff will not be accepted.
  • All abstracts will initially be reviewed, graded and accepted or rejected by the Programme Committee. The decision of the Committee is final.
  • By submitting an abstract, the author agrees to the following: as an accepted Presenter, ESCRS depends on you to be present in person for your presentation. The Programme Committee is placed in a very awkward position, not least in managing delegate expectations, by the absence of a confirmed speaker in the programme. Exceptions will only be accepted in the case of genuine last-minute emergencies. Speaker absences without an acceptable excuse will be tracked and this will be communicated to the Programme Committees for future reference. Consequences may include rejections of a submitted abstract for the following year (Winter Meeting and Annual Congress).
  • All abstracts selected will be posted online at escrs.org. The abstract will appear exactly as submitted.
  • ESCRS On Demand (the online portal of the ESCRS) retains right of refusal for all presentations made at ESCRS Meetings.

Presentation Types

Abstracts may be submitted for the following presentation types: 

  • Free Paper
  • Presented Posters
  • Poster
  • Case Report
  • Video Competition
  • Video Symposium “Getting it right!”
  • Video Symposium “Getting it wrong!”
  • Video Library
  • Young Ophthalmologist Video

Free Paper & Poster Presentations will be considered on the following themes: 

  • Anterior Segment Imaging
  • Cataract
    • Cataract Surgery Complications / Management / Prevention
    • Cataract Surgery Paediatric
    • Cataract Surgery Practice Styles
    • Cataract Surgery Techniques and Instrumentation
    • Evaluation Testing 5
    • IOLs – Complications 6
    • IOLs – EDOF 7
    • IOLs – Monofocal and Advanced Monofocal 8
    • IOLs – Multifocal 9
    • IOLs – Other 10
    • IOL Power Calculation 11
    • IOLs – Toric 12
  • Cornea
    • Combined Keratoplasty / Cataract Surgery
    • Collagen Cross Linking
    • Cornea Infectious Disease
    • Endothelial Keratoplasty
    • Keratoconus and Secondary Ectasia
    • Ocular Surface Disease
  • Glaucoma
    • Combined Glaucoma / Cataract Surgery
    • Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)
  • Other in the Field of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  • Refractive
    • LASIK
    • Lenticular Intrastomal Surgery
    • Phakic IOLs
    • Presbyopic Laser
    • Refractive Corneal Inlays
    • Refractive Surgery Instrumentation / Evaluation Devices
    • Surface Photoablation

Case Report will be considered on the following topics: 

  • Cataract Surgery
  • Corneal Surgery
  • Refractive Surgery

Video Competition will be considered on the following topics:

  • Difficult and Special Cases
  • Educational
  • Historical
  • Innovative
  • Scientific
  • Residents in Training

Young Ophthalmologist Video will be considered on the following topics:

  • One of My First Operations
  • Tackling More Risky Cases


You will need keywords to associate to your abstract. Each abstract must have a minimum of 2 keywords defined for the abstract submission to be valid.

Abstract Format

All submitted Free Paper and Poster abstracts must be in English and follow the structured format below:

  • Title – max 250 characters
  • Purpose (max 750 characters)
  • Setting (max 500 characters)
  • Methods (max 750 characters)
  • Results (max 750 characters)
  • Conclusions (max 750 characters)
  • Financial Disclosure of all Authors

All submitted Case Report Presentations must be in English and follow the structured format below:

  • Title (max 250 characters)
  • Purpose (max 750 characters)
  • Setting (max 500 characters)
  • Report of Case (max 1500 characters)
  • Conclusion/Take Home Message (max 750 characters)

All submitted Videos must be in English and follow the structured format below:

  • When describing the video in your abstract please highlight the most interesting part of your video keeping in mind the topic you have chosen to submit your video in.
  • Please note that after the submission deadline we will send you a specific link to submit your video.

For standardisation, the acceptable length of the Free Paper, Poster and Case Report Presentations is of maximum 3500 characters (excluding title and authors’ information). 

The summary of results for submissions must be given in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. The Programme Committee will only accept abstracts with final results or conclusions.

Formulae should, in general, be avoided.

When using abbreviations or acronyms for the first time, care should be taken to spell them out in full with the abbreviation in parentheses after the full word/s the first time it appears in the text. The abbreviation should be used alone thereafter.

Number of Submissions

  • Each author may submit a maximum of two Free Papers. Only one abstract may be submitted in the Poster and Case Report categories.
  • Only one Free Paper will be accepted per author for presentation. If a second Free Paper abstract is accepted, it will be considered as a Poster.
  • Please note that some abstracts submitted as a Case Report may be accepted as a Poster.
  • Oral Presented Poster authors must be present to defend and discuss their Paper. These presentations will be selected from Free Paper and Poster submissions which the Programme Committee feels would be of particular interest to delegates.

Free Paper Presentations

  • On acceptance of a Free Paper abstract for presentation at the Congress, the author will be fully informed of the process for the submission of their presentation. 


Video Rules and Regulations

  • Any Video that uses copyrighted music or material from movies will be automatically disqualified. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission from the owner for any music or material that is not ‘Free to Use’. By submitting an abstract, the author accepts responsibility for all music and material used in their Video and is liable for any copyright infringement pertaining to their Video.
  • The Video must include a narration, music alone will not be accepted.
  • The title and narration of the Video must be in English.
  • At the end of March 2024, presenters will receive an email with an upload link to submit their Video files. Detailed online support will be available during the upload process.

PLEASE NOTE THAT VIDEOS FOR THE VIDEO SYMPOSIUM WILL NOW BE UPLOADED ONLINE. At the end of March, presenters will receive an email with an upload link to submit their Video files. Detailed online support will be available during the upload process. Hard copies of Videos sent to the office will not be accepted. Accepted Videos will be displayed on ESCRS On Demand during and after the Congress.


ESCRS Video Competition

  • Both an Abstract and a Video must be submitted in order for an entry to be considered by the judges. The Video Awards will take place during the Congress in September.
  • The extended deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 March 2024.
  • The deadline for Video Upload is 12 April 2024.
  • The total duration of the Video, including title and credits, must not exceed 8 minutes.

Entries are accepted in the following categories:

  • Difficult and Special Cases
    Videos describing interesting and unusual cases in Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
  • Educational
    Videos which demonstrate established surgical techniques and explain known phenomena and conditions relating to Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
  • Historical 
    A video portraying a past technique, technology or personality in their historical perspective to current Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
  • Innovative
    Videos describing new approaches to known problems and to introduce new technologies.
  • Scientific
    Videos describing the scientific background to the treatment of Cataract and Refractive surgical issues and equipment used.
  • Residents in Training
    Videos made by residents in training on any subject relating to Cataract and Refractive Surgery.


  • Videos must be related to the Congress topics.
  • Authors entering a video in the Resident in Training Category will be asked to submit a letter to the ESCRS office from the hospital or practice where they are practicing which confirms that they are involved in a residency programme and that they are a surgeon in training. They will also be asked to state that they are the primary person in charge of the production of the Video entry.
  • An international team of experts will judge the entries. First, second and third prizes will be awarded in each category. There will also be an overall winner.
  • Videos that promote a company name or logo, acknowledge sponsorship or promote commercial products, will not be accepted.
  • Generic names should be used instead of product names, where possible.
  • Instruments can be shown briefly, but not exceeding 10 seconds.
  • Videos will not be accepted for the Video Competition if they have been presented anywhere in the world in previous years. However, Videos shown at other congresses during the current year will be accepted.
  • No more than 2 Videos will be accepted from any author.
  • The decision of the Video Competition Judges and Chairman will be final and binding.

Video Symposium "Getting it right!"

  • Videos accepted for the Symposium will be viewed and discussed during the session.
  • The total duration of the Videos for Video Symposium “Getting it right!”, including title and credits, must not exceed 5 minutes. Videos longer than 5 minutes might not be considered.
  • Videos for the Video Symposium must be related to the Congress topics.
  • The extended abstract submission deadline is 5 March 2024 and the Video Upload deadline is 12 April 2024.
  • No more than 2 Videos will be accepted from any author.

PLEASE NOTE THAT VIDEOS FOR THE VIDEO SYMPOSIUM WILL NOW BE UPLOADED ONLINE. By end March 2024 you will receive an email with an upload link to submit your Video files. Detailed online support will be available during the upload process. Hard copies of Videos sent to the office will not be accepted.

Video Symposium "Getting it wrong!"

  • Videos accepted for the Symposium will be viewed and discussed during the session.
  • The total duration of the Videos for Video Symposium “Getting it wrong!”, including title and credits, must not exceed 5 minutes. Videos longer than 5 minutes might not be considered.
  • Videos for the Video Symposium must be related to the Congress topics.
  • The extended abstract submission deadline is 5 March 2024 and the Video Upload deadline is 12 April 2024.
  • No more than 2 Videos will be accepted from any author.

PLEASE NOTE THAT VIDEOS FOR THE VIDEO SYMPOSIUM WILL NOW BE UPLOADED ONLINE. By end March 2024 you will receive an email with an upload link to submit your Video files. Detailed online support will be available during the upload process. Hard copies of Videos sent to the office will not be accepted.

Video Library

  • The Video Library will be available during and after the Congress on the online portal ESCRS on Demand. The Library provides a resource for delegates to review the surgical techniques of the experts attending the Congress.
  • Videos for the Video Library must be related to the Congress topics.
  • The total duration of the Videos for Video Library entry, including title and credits, must not exceed 8 minutes.
  • The extended abstract submission deadline is 5 March 2024. The deadline for uploading videos is 12 April 2024.
  • No more than 2 Videos will be accepted by any author.

PLEASE NOTE THAT VIDEOS FOR THE VIDEO LIBRARY WILL NOW BE UPLOADED ONLINE. By end March 2024 you will receive an email with an upload link to submit your Video files. Detailed online support will be available during the upload process. Hard copies of Videos sent to the office will not be accepted.

Young Ophthalmologist Video

  • The high-resolution Video should be cut to maximum 3 minutes in duration highlighting the selected topic.
  • All Video submissions must be surgical.
  • Only one Video author per Video submission is permitted.
  • The Video footage should be one of your first 50-100 cases.
  • Presentation slides, sound, or grafts are NOT permitted in the Video.
  • Do not use fast forward in your Video.
  • Do not write anything on the Video including titles or comments.
  • You must ensure to choose a theme from the options given. All Videos and abstracts will be reviewed, graded and accepted or rejected by members of the ESCRS Programme Committee. The decision of the committee is final.
  • This year the top 3 Videos will be awarded a bursary of €1,000 and complimentary registration for the Congress in Barcelona. The winners will be contacted in September.
  • If your Video is accepted for presentation, you are thereby giving permission for the Video to be shown during the Young Ophthalmologists Programme at the ESCRS Congress 2024 in Barcelona. You will be invited to join the session for a live discussion.
  • Failure to present without prior notice to the Programme Committee may influence future acceptance of videos in the Young Ophthalmologists Programme.

Trainee Bursaries

  • A number of bursaries will be awarded to ESCRS trainee members who have a Free Paper or Poster accepted for presentation at the Annual Congress in Barcelona. Recipients will receive complimentary Congress registration.
  • Only ESCRS trainee members (in good standing) will be eligible to a bursary. Non-ESCRS trainee members will not be considered.
  • Bursary recipients will be selected from among the highest scoring accepted Free Papers and Posters. Please note that there will be a limit on how many bursaries are awarded to trainees from the same country.